I am so thankful for the people in my life:
I have the best husband in the world. He loves me for who I am and he cares about my needs and my feelings. He works hard to provide for our little family and is a blessing in my life. He is my best friend.
I have a beautiful little girl that blesses my life every day. She gives me hugs and kisses and always knows when I need a little extra love. She is my little angel and I love every moment I get to share with her.
I have a wonderful mother who doesn't care how many times a day I call. Whether it is once or ten times, she is always there to listen!! Love you mom!
A dad who loves and misses me and our family. Who would do anything for us and has provided for me most of my life! Love you daddy!
I have fabulous in-laws that are always there when I need something. They are always thoughtful and kind and they love Brooklyn as much as my mom and dad do!
I couldn't ask for a better life:
I have been blessed with good health and a fabulous life.
I live on a farm out in the country and I get to spend every day with my little angel.
I get to see Tyson every day and love spending time with my little family.
Tyson has a job that provides for our needs and wants.
I have a roof over my head, clothes that keep us warm and food on the table every day.
The Lord has blessed me with everything I need and so much more. I am so grateful for Him and His son Jesus Christ who paid the ultimate sacrifice for me. They know who I am and they care about my needs and how I am doing. I can talk to them any time I want and they will help me!!
I have the best life and family that I could ask for. My life has truly been blessed and I am thankful for everything. I am so fortunate to have the things that I need and I pray that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!