We blessed Brooklyn today!! It was a great day and a fabulous weekend. We had so many people come up and we loved having the company. The blessing circle was big with both families. I was excited to have all of my brothers in the circle. Shawn and Julie weren't able to come up where Julie is so close to her due date, but the other four of my brothers were able to be in the circle.
I asked my mom and Tyson this morning if it was expected for the mom of the baby being blessed to get up and bear their testimony. They both said that the majority of the moms do but that I didn't have to. I decided that I was going to get up since I hadn't ever done it before. I was a nervous wreck all morning. Brooklyn could feel my nerves so I really had to work at calming down.
The blessing was great. Tyson did such a wonderful job. When he held Brooklyn up after the blessing, he looked like such a proud father. My mom commented on it and said he looked so happy. Brooklyn looked so cut in her dress and tractor socks. She didn't fuss at all during her blessing, which was great because I got to hear the whole thing.
My plan was to be the first one up to bear my testimony so I could relax through the rest of Sacrament Meeting. However, three other people made it up before me. Tyson told me if I was going to get up there, I would want to get up quickly and wait on the stand. He knew I wanted to be the first, so I could get it over with. I decided to get up and wait on the stand so I wouldn't chicken out. The standing up and walking up to the stand was the hardest part. I cried at the beginning of my testimony but after a few seconds I had a feeling of peace wash over me and I relaxed. When I was done, I walked back to my seat and felt amazing!! I didn't realize how special it was to bear my testimony. I felt the spirit so strong. Jason was able to hold Brooklyn from the time I went up to the stand to the end of the meeting. He was such a happy uncle!
After Sacrament Meeting, everyone went to Tyson's parents' house for lunch. We all had fun sitting around and talking. Everyone wanted to hold Brooklyn so I was able to sit and eat with everyone else. Brooklyn was really good with everyone that held her and they all enjoyed it so much!
I am so grateful that Brooklyn came into our lived. She is such a blessing and brings such a wonderful spirit with her. I look forward to spending each day with her!